Join us April 6 to learn about the amazing work being done in the Dominican Republic Seminary, the “Seminario Concordia el Reformador”.  Discussion is led by Rev. Joel and Deaconess Clarion Fritsche.  There’s no charge for lunch, simply join us to learn about this great opportunity!

The Fritsches served as missionaries for the LCMS in the Dominican Republic from 2014-2023. Rev. Fritsche served as Pastor of Iglesia Luterana de Pueblo Nuevo in Santiago and as Director of Seminario Concordia el Reformador. Deaconess Fritsche served as Deaconess at La Iglesia Luterana de Pueblo Nuevo and regularly taught courses for Seminario Concordia’s deaconess program. Rev. Fritsche currently serves as Director of Vicarage and Deaconess Internships and the Buehner-Deusenberg Professor of Lutheran Missions at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Deaconess Fritsche teaches Kindergarten at Our Savior Lutheran School in Fenton, MO. In June 2025, she will begin serving a new call as Manager of Mobilization and Training for LCMS Office of International Mission.

As the Dominican Republic seminary is a mission of The Southern Illinois District, our district is currently charged with keeping a task force assembled to direct the support for this seminary.  Come and learn how you can be involved!