Rev. Timothy Scharr, President
Rev. Michael Walther, First Vice-President
Rev. Mark Surburg, Second Vice-President
Rev. Peter Ill, Secretary
Mr. Gary Hemmer, Treasurer
District Board of Directors
Biographical information about the Board of Directors can be found in the Databook
Mr. Larry Barringer
Mr. Bill Becker
Mr. Paul Bertels
Mr. Walter Blotovogel
Rev. Dr. Kirk Clayton
Mr. Virgil Gramenz
Mr. Kevin Hartkemeyer
Mr. Gary Hemmer
Rev. Peter Ill
Mr. Kurt Johnson
Dr. Jay Krause
Rev. Mark Nebel
Mrs. Anna Rowden
Rev. Timothy Scharr
Mr. Zachariah Schnare
Mr. Don Stallman
Rev. Dr. Willie Stallworth
Rev. Dr. Antonin Troup
Finance Committee
Mr. Bill Becker
Mr. Paul Bertels
Mr. Gary Hemmer
Mrs. Anna Rowden
Mr. Don Stallman
Fund Advisory Committee
Mr. Gary Hemmer
Mrs. Julie Johnson
Mr. Bradley Small
Mr. Richard Watson
Office and Personnel Committee
Mr. Kevin Hartkemeyer
Rev. Mark Nebel
Mrs. Deitt Schneider
Constitution Review Committee
Mr. Bill Becker
Rev. Peter Ill
Rev. Ralph Laufer
Mr. Zachary Stegman
Board of Missions
Biographical information about the Board of Missions can be found in the Databook.
Mr. Michael Burke
Mr. David Dyson
Mrs. Sharon Holcomb
Mr. Don Hutchinson
Mr. Paul Miller
Rev. Timothy Schnare
Rev. Dr. Willie Stallworth, chair
Rev. Timothy Wilcoxen
Board of Spiritual Care
The Board of Spiritual Care is comprised of the Circuit Visitors in the District.
Rev. Christen Prumm
Rev. David Kern
Rev. John Schank
Rev. Kyle Wright
Rev. Chris Spelbring
Rev. Dr. Tony Troup
Rev. Aaron Kangas
Rev. Arthur Eichhorn
Rev. Timothy Sims
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Rev. Jason Holden
Commission on Communication
Rev. Dr. Kirk Clayton
Rev. Scott Schilbe
Mrs. Kim Stegman
Mrs. Carol Walther