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From President Scharr: District Convention 2025

District Convention

We are only weeks away from the 60th Regular Convention of the Southern Illinois District. Please check that you are registered and have signed up for the meals. Be sure to make your hotel reservations if you have not yet done so. Both the Hilton Garden Inn and the Hampton are connected by covered walkways to the Regency Convention Center.

The convention begins on Thursday, February 20, with registration at 4:00 pm. The opening worship service is hosted by Zion Lutheran Church in Belleville. Rev. Peter Lange, the First Vice-President of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, will be the preacher and synodical representative for the convention.

Voting begins after the service on Thursday evening for the district president and the first ballot for district vice-presidents. Friday morning, we will hear the Synod report from Synod first Vice-President Rev. Peter Lange and also the first of our theological study of Titus 3 from the Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders from Iowa District East. Friday afternoon will feature the Rev. Dr. James Baneck who will address us on the Set Apart to Serve church worker initiative and what you can do to help recruit and support future pastors, teachers, DCE’s, deaconesses and other rostered workers.

There will also be elections, reports, and resolutions to consider plus greetings from our seminaries, Concordia University System, LCEF, Concordia Publishing House, LWML and others.

The Rev. Dr. Saunders will have the second part of his presentation Saturday morning. He has geared this whole study for laity. It is his hope for us to appreciate the breadth and depth of God’s love for us revealed in Titus 3:3-8. We will wrap up any unfinished business in Saturday morning sessions. The convention concludes with a service of installation for all elected officers, circuit visitors, boards and commissions. Everything should be completed around noon on Saturday. See you there!

Rev. Timothy Scharr
President  |  Southern Illinois District