Categories: District News

May Musings from the President

May is a wonderful month that marks the height of spring and the dawning of summer. School ends until August. Teachers and students enjoy a break from the daily grind. Refreshing days of sun and summer allow both groups to rest and prepare for another year. Many people take vacations as a way of stepping back from work. Some visit distant family members. Others visit places they have never been. Some return to a place that has become an annual destination. Still others are content to stay home and work on things around the house. Spring sports are in full swing before the hot, humid days of summer overtake us.

This month marks the Ascension of our Lord into heaven. It marks Jesus’ coronation in heaven as the crucified and risen Lord returns to the Father’s right hand. He continues to rule over all things on behalf of His people the Church (Ephesians 1:14). He is returning. Every eye will see Him in His full heavenly glory. All will fall on bended knee and declare that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Unbelievers will be in terror as they wish for the mountains and hills to fall upon them and cover them from the presence of the Lord. Believers will lift their heads and rejoice for their redemption is drawing near.

In a confusing, broken, conflicted world we have many reasons to rejoice and little to fear. Jesus lives. He reigns over all things. He invites us to cast all our anxieties upon Him for He cares for us. Some 365 times he tells in the Holy Scriptures to fear not. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, His kingdom. Believe it. Take Jesus at His Word. Hold God to His promises that He gives in His Word. These are practical applications of faith. In a little while He will confirm, strengthen, and establish you. Trust Him. The Lord does not lie. He keeps His Word. Remember these promises as you enjoy the longer daylight and outdoor activities the month of May brings us.

Timothy Scharr